Our goal is that your visit with us is a
positive experience with plenty of family
fishing fun. An experience that gives you
the sensation to share your adventure
with friends and look ahead with
anticipation to your next visit!
If you are looking to stock your pond or lake, we cater to
each customer's individual needs. Give us a call!
Hatchery Operations
The quality and flavor of any edible living thing is directly affected by the environment that it lives and grows in and by the
food it consumes. It is no secret that trout prefer cold, clear, high quality water. Our water supply comes from a series of
springs that produce over 60,000 gallons of 43° F water per hour! Even on the warmest summer day, our water does not
exceed 50° nor will our water freeze on the coldest winter day. Chances are in your lifetime, you'll never see water of a higher
quality. This basically, is the environment our trout spend their entire lives in. The trout are fed a high quality balanced diet
which, along with the pure spring water, produces the finest tasting trout to be found anywhere in the world. The diet of our
trout is more complete than their wild counterparts. Our feed is trucked from almost 2,000 miles away and it's the best we
can buy in North America. It is specially formulated to provide a balanced diet of protein, fat and fiber for our trout.
So bring your family and friends for the best fishing vacation they'll ever have and one they'll never forget. We also stock
private and public ponds with our quality trout and will provide walleye, blue gill and perch by special order.
Don't forget to check out our Recipe page to make the most out of your visit. Enjoy and thanks!
To find us, just turn at the sign on US 45 north of Watersmeet, Michigan. Then, drive 4.5 miles east on Old US 2 until you see
our signs - Watersmeet Trout Hatchery and Fish Farm.
25640 Old US Hwy 2 E., PO Box 47
Watersmeet, MI 49969
Summer Fishing Hours (Memorial Weekend through Labor Day):
Monday, Tuesday - 10 AM-4 PM
Wednesday, Thursday - Closed
Friday, Saturday - 10 AM-4 PM
Sunday - 12 noon-4 PM
Off Season:
Please call for appointment 906-358-4331 or email dgiannola@aol.com.
Copyright 2024 Watersmeet Trout Hatchery & Fish Farm. All rights reserved.
For any website problems, contact North Country Website Design.